Ian the Magnificent

For those of you who don't know my little Ian, he has a very unique way of speaking. My sister Kellie calls him Dennis, after a man that we know that got kicked in the head by a horse years ago. He is okay, but you can't understand what he says. My dad thinks that Ian talks in a deep guttaral voice just like a Native American, and my mom says that she thinks he will be a ventriliquist when he grows up because he doesn't move his mouth when he talks, he grits his teeth and talks through them.
Regardless, I understand everything that boy says. He communicates extremely well, using many different modes of communication and he talks on the phone more than anyone I know. If he doesn't have a phone to make actual calls on (sorry if he has called you), then he will just use his hand. He used to answer the phone, "This Zac" because that is what his daddy does, but now he has it down to a simple "hello".
My squirt is turning two on Saturday and I will miss his unique form of communication as he continues to grow up!