Tanner Starts College

Tanner started at BYU-I this Fall and dropping him off was almost harder than dropping him off at the MTC before his mission.  It was hard because we just got him back and he is so fun to be around.  We all love having him home, so it seemed cruel to say goodbye so soon again.

When we dropped him off, he was the only one at his apartment.  We got him all setup and moved in and then just left him there alone, all scared and nervous about starting a new thing.  Facing unknown classes and roommates.  Ugh, I tried not to bawl on the way home.

BUT, unlike his mission, we can call him whenever we want and he gets to come home whenever he wants!  So I guess we'll let him stay.  He has started classes and feels like he is on the right track in his career choice.  We are looking forward to next semester when he will switch apartments and live with his best friend.  They are really looking forward to some fun adventures together.
