Church Camps

We had lots of fun camping opportunities with our church groups!

Charlotte had a chance to go with the Young Women to Pasa La Coma which is an incredible camp near Bone, ID.  It is truly a magical place and my girls have so many great memories there.

There was a huge group from our stake that attended and it was so much fun!

Zac and I got to come be part of a special night where they bore their testimonies and had a special Walk with Christ activity.  It was really special.

Bronson got to go with the stake Young Men to Lava Hot Springs and camp.  They floated the river and swam in the hot springs and had an awesome time... until a huge storm hit and knocked down their tents and soaked everything.  Zac and Bronson both ended up sleeping in the truck!

Charlotte also got to go with the stake to a For the Strength of Youth week-long "camp" where they stayed in swaggy student housing at BYU-I.  She got to room with her friend Paisley and they were put in an apartment with 8 girls and were able to make some awesome new friends and learned so much and enjoyed the Spirit from the many classes, devotionals, and activities.

And Whitlee got to go to a day camp for the boys and girls ages 8-11 at the stake center.  The best part is that her Dad got to put on a station where he dressed up like King Benjamin and climbed up on a tall tower to speak to the kids.  The kids had fun setting up tents to listen to the words of King Benjamin.

But the kids especially loved climbing up the tower for themselves at the end of the activity.  Zac told them they had to deliver a spiritual message and almost every kid got up there and said, "Blah, Blah, Blah" Ha!  I guess that's what it sounds like to kids when adults deliver spiritual messages!

We are so lucky to have so many wonderful opportunities to have these spiritual testimony-building experiences with our church!
