Mesa Falls and Quick Cabin Getaway

We are so incredibly blessed to live in an area with so much natural beauty.  We tried to get in as many cabin trips as we could with Tanner before it was time for him to go to college.  On one of our trips up to the cabin, we decided to take a detour and go check out Mesa Falls.  It is so gorgeous there, no matter how many times I have seen it, it still takes my breath away!

The kids found a snow measuring pole and decided to size themselves up.  Ian was pleasantly surprised to see that he had surpassed Tanner in height... though he may have had an unfair terrain advantage!

We love to play games together at the cabin and Telestrations is one of our favorites.  But instead of using their prompts, we love to come up with our own complicated and creative fonts as that really often throws a hitch in the game.  Ian's prompt was "Laser chickens vaporizing a guy." Whenever we play, my stomach hurts from laughing when we're done.

Oh how we love the cabin and being together as a family!
