St. Patrick's Day 2024

We love our family traditions and trapping leprechauns is high on the list of one we look forward too.  

We have tried about every which way to catch those leprechauns with no luck.  We have had to get very creative over the years.

Here is Whitlee explaining some of the traps.

Charlotte left a puzzle with just one piece missing, hoping it would keep the leprechauns there all night looking for the missing piece.  Instead, they just made their own piece.

The boys were hoping to get the leprechauns sucked into the Internet and hoped they would lose track of time.  Instead, they just got insulting.

Whitlee had an elaborate trap that required rescuing a damsel in distress at the bottom of a water tank.  Needless to say, it was a bust!

And I made them a nice meal of all of the foods that make me sleepy and made a soft bed to lay on, hoping they would fall asleep.  No luck!

Some of the fun mischief around the house!

It's a mess and we never catch them, but at least they leave us lots of gold...candy... gold candy, which tastes better than actual gold! 
