
It is that time of year again when those pesky little leprechauns sneak into our house in search for gold and in the process trash our house.  I am getting awfully sick of those obnoxious little pests.  I think next year I might invest in some more professional traps, because our homemade ones continuously fail to work.

Bronson helped me make this trap:
The leprechauns were supposed to climb the ladder, see gold in the box, jump down to get it, and then be unable to jump back up to get out of the box...
Unfortunately, they used Bronson's micromachine's to rig up a rope system to lower themselves into the box, retrieve the gold and get safely back out.

Ashlyn concocted this trap: 
Come on in leprechauns, there is gold inside:

And then they can't get to it because she saran-wrapped the inside of the box...f
Well it appears that they rigged up a road system and used some of our toy cars and took a spin down from Tanners and burst right through the plastic wrap and into Ashlyn's trap stealing her gold.

The rude little buggers left her some messages and cut a hole right in the middle of her shamrock.

Charlotte came up with this ingenious trap: 
The leprechauns would be attracted to this golden stairwell and would climb up it to get to the gold.

But little do they know the second to last step is made out of paper towel and if they step on it, they will fall through and get stuck in the box.

Well it looks like someone did in fact step on the false step, but maybe had a little help from some bird friends to get out?  Not quite sure how they got out of that one.

And Tanner's:
Tanner's are always intricate affairs with multiple levels of trickery.  This entrance is covered with sticky tape.  If a leprechaun tries to enter this way, he will be caught in a sticky trap.

The top employs the old saran wrap method.  If they try to get the gold, they will fall in through the top and then there is a bowl full of water at the bottom.

The leprechauns were equally as intricately ingenious in their trickery...
They rigged up a ramp system in which they drove a toy car up a ramp...

Crashed through the plastic wrap at the top...

And somehow managed to lower in a cardboard boat into the water to retrieve the coins.

And finally, Ian's: 
Ian is all about employing quick and easy methods.

He painted a box and smeared the inside with honey.  The hope being that a leprechaun would walk through the honey to get to the coins and become stuck in it.

Unfortunately, leprechauns apparently like honey and they helped themselves to some bread and peanut butter and used Ian's honey to have a snack.

As if stealing our gold wasn't bad enough... 
The leprechauns set a kid trap at the top of the stairs.  There was a trail of candy that led into a large box.  The kids were careful though and none of them actually got trapped! 

Even poor innocent Whitlee, who didn't set a trap was victimized by the fiends.

I think next year I might look for a spray or let the cat prowl the house.  This is getting ridiculous.


Kris saidā€¦
I bet there are a couple of tired parents this morning! Holy Cow...and I just cooked green pancakes on St. Patricks Day! What boring parent I was.