Working Our Grasses Off
One of the biggest things that I took for granted as a child was grass, trees, sprinklers, and landscaping. Never once as a child do I remember pausing to admire the grass and ponder on the amount of work and cost that it took for that grass to get there.
This year we have been working our guts out to get a yard in. We have a lot of land to care for, which equates to a lot of work and cost. Which leaves little time to use this...
Coincidentally, we realized that if we sold this, it would pay for this...
So, we sold the trailer and sodded the yard. We essentially live on a gravel pit, and the cost for the amount of dirt, cost in skidsteer rental, and time and energy put into raking rocks, and years spent trying to thicken a lawn and get rid of weeds and rocks, all weighed on our minds when we decided to sell the trailer to spring for sod. And boy oh boy was it ever worth it. I have been outside every day since it went in making grass angels.
Not that sod was all fun and games to install. It is still a labor intensive gut busting endeavor.
The sod comes to us in these massively huge rolls.
And then the sod farmer has lent us his fork lift to attach to the rolls and lay them out...
The kids love it whenever we have machinery around. Bronson has been on cloud 9 riding on that thing with his dad.
Once the roll is laid, there is a bunch of pushing pulling, kicking, and cussing until everything is in place.
But at the end of the day, even though our muscles are so sore we can't move, we at least now have a soft lush lawn to collapse on and we are taking comfort that all of this effort will be enjoyed by our family for years and years and years to come. And I can guarantee, our kids will never take for granted the amount of effort and cost it takes to have a yard..JPG&container=blogger&gadget=a&rewriteMime=image%2F*)