All's Fair...

Last year was our first year living in our new home and after attending the State Fair we realized, "Wow, we live really close to the fair, we could actually enter something and it wouldn't take a lot of effort to get it there."  So we made a goal to enter the fair this year.  And put off making projects until pretty much the day they were due.  And this is what we came up with...

Charlotte painted a coconut tree on a canvas.  She got a red ribbon in her age division and it earned her a whoppin' $3... a small fortune for a 4-year old!

Ashlyn decided to tackle the Fair Challenge.  Every year, the fair creates an image and challenge people to recreate the image on any medium of their choosing.  Ashlyn replicated the image on clear plastic wrap, colored it with markers and put it on a foiled canvas.  She got a 3rd place ribbon and won $2.

Ian remembered a craft that they did at the library over the summer where they painted a canvas, then put lines of tape all over and painted each taped off section a different color.  When he got done, he thought the black parts looked like a ninja (though, I think this boy sees ninja's everywhere).  He got a 2nd place ribbon and $3.

Tanner made an incredible Lego house and took more time on his project than anyone else.  It was actually a lot cooler than this, but I waited too long to take the picture and Bronson had demolished the roof.

Poor Tanner didn't get a ribbon, but was a very good sport about the whole thing.  I love this kid.

Those judges missed the mark. You can't see it well in this picture because of Hurricane Bronson, but this house had an amazing layout and incredible Lego crafted furniture.

I entered the blessing dress that I crocheted for Whitlee and got a 2nd place ribbon.  I split my $4 premium ($1 to Ashlyn and $3 to Tanner), so that all of the kids ended up with $3.

I also entered a Design a Cookie contest and a loaf of white bread... neither of which got a ribbon.  Before we went in to see if I got a ribbon, I told the kids to watch me for an example as to how to act if you don't  win a ribbon, thinking that I would be a model good sport.  They teased me afterwards, by mimicking me "What!?!  NO ribbons?  Do these judges even have taste buds!"

Goals for next year:  Work on sportsmanship (me)
Spend more time working on our projects and not leave them off until the day of entry.
Learn how to cook better.


Kris saidā€¦
How fun! I can't imagine you didn't get a ribbon as creative as you are with all your cooking!!! Those dumb judges!!!