Update on the Bug

Whitlee Bug is growing up so fast.  And Whitlee Bug is just one of the many nicknames this precious little bundle gets called, not to mention one of the better nicknames. 
She is called "The Witty Maid" by Bronson.
She is called Cutie, Sweetie, and Baby by Charlotte.
Ian prefers calling her, "Heeeeeey Whit!  Look at this!"
Ashlyn has called her a variety of names, including Mrs. Baldwin (her 4th grade teacher), by accident.
Tanner has called her Phoenix (our dog's name), on accident.
And Zac has called her a million different names including names of kids that we don't have.  But usually calls her Charlotte... and then quickly acts like he meant to, by saying, "Hi Charlotte...You're not Charlotte, are you. I am just teasing you.  You are Whitlee."  Nice recovery.

Bronson still absolutely adores his Witty Maid.  He STILL wants to hold her non-stop every day, even though I thought the novelty would have worn off by now.  He mauls her with hugs and kisses and wants her tucked in with him at night.

He still tells me that he remembers when she was in my tummy and he could hear her heart going, "Bum, Bum.  Bum, Bum."  He also tells me that we went to the hospital and got Whitlee at the hospital.  I am amazed at how much he remembers.

Whenever he is holding her, he wants me to get the camera and take their picture together.  I sure hope he still loves her this much 5 years later!

This little girl is one of the happiest babies I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

She loves to play toys and always has an abundance of admiring fans surrounding her, more than eager to show her how her toys work.

Whitlee is starting to get around by rolling.  She can be from one end of a room to another in one minute flat.  I love in the mornings when she wakes up and sits cooing in her crib.  When I open the door, she starts squealing with complete excitement and wiggles and dances until I pick her up.

So glad to have this little bug in our home.


Kris saidā€¦
What an absolute DOLL!