Ian Had a Birthday Shout Hooray!
I have a confession to make... I am addicted to the reality TV show Cake Boss. I am not a huge TV watcher and I don't usually enjoy reality TV, however I can't get enough of the awesome cakes made on that show! I don't know why I even like decorating cakes so much. It is not something we really did much in our home growing up. And it isn't really a hobby I spend much time doing, as I don't want to weigh 400 pounds and can't come up with a good reason to make a cake a day... so, when the kids have a birthday, I have a ball trying to find a way to make their cakes special.
This year Ian requested a Ninja cake. He has never even seen a ninja TV show or movie in his life, so I am not quite sure where the fascination with ninjas is coming from, other than he was one for Halloween. I also blame his Lego magazine with their Ninjago comic strip.
Anywho... Ninja cake here we come!
While Ian was at school, I baked the cake and tried to think of a way to make it more ninja and sneaky. So I decided to cut some cores out of the cake and hide some of Ian's Lego bad guys throughout the cake.
We covered those sneaky buggers right up and frosted over them and no one knew that something tricky was going on.
I learned a new frosting method called Buttercream Freezer transfer. I printed a coloring page of Lego Ninjago and put a piece of wax paper over top. I outlined the coloring page with black frosting and then filled in the rest with colored buttercream frosting. It went in the freezer for about 20 minutes and then we slapped that sucker on the cake. SO COOL!
Ian thought it was pretty great. I will definitely be doing that trick again!
Ninja pose and a sneaky photo bombing. Thank you Studio C for teaching my kids about photo bombing! Charlotte got Ian this shirt for his birthday. It says, "I'm not saying I'm a Ninja, I'm just saying no one has ever seen me and a ninja at the same time."
We were spoiled to have Ian's birthday on a Friday this year. Our district lets out of school on Fridays, which made for a long Memorial weekend, so we decided to celebrate Ian's birthday at the cabin.
The lighting of the candles is almost more exciting than eating the cake itself.
7 Candles!
Maybe just a little excited to open presents...
His brothers and sisters worked hard to earn money to buy him a present. This one is from Ashlyn, it is a balloon animals kit! Rock on, now we are all expert balloon animal makers.
A tent from Mom and Dad!
Alvin and the Chipmunks from Tanner
Bronson got Ian a new swimming suit and swimming shirt. Bronson was confused about the concept of "giving". He thought that he had picked them out for himself and insisted on wearing the swim suit for the rest of the night.
I have to sneak a picture of Tanner in whenever I can because he dodges the camera so much. I usually sit down to post about our family life and find out way too often that I somehow missed getting pictures of this kid. So there! A picture of Tanner for posterity.
Little Whitlee was a wonderful camper and played and kicked it on her blanket just as happy as can be while we went about our cabin business.
Poor little lamb would play herself to sleep. What a good baby!
For some reason, sleepy babies make for a sleepy daddy!
The weather was amazing the whole weekend and we got in lots of boating, kayaking, and beach playing. It might have worn some of us right out.
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect birthday celebration for a perfect little seven year old. We love you Ian, Happy Birthday!
A Birthday Interview with the Big Boy
1.What is your favorite tv show or movie? Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman2. What is your favorite food? Sloppy Joes3. What is your favorite thing to play? Basketball4. What is your favorite book? Magic Treehouse and Bad Kitty
5. Who is your best friend? Rylan, Marcus, Caleb, and Justin
6. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? Green Paw Blanket
7. What do you want to be when you grow up? A Builder
8. Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things you would do? Ride my bike to confuse people, and ride my scooter, and play basketball and sneak candy from the candy bucket.
9. I am very proud becauseā¦ I read well.
10. If I were President I wouldā¦ give everybody a present
11. I am afraid to ...go to the police office.12. Name one thing you do really well? Read and jump rope
13. Describe your best day ever? Eating as much candy as I want and doing whatever I wanted.14. Describe your favorite hobby. Jump on the tramp, Legos, and Basketball
15. I wish there were a law that saidā¦..you can drive as fast as you wanted.
16. What makes you feel sad? When I get copied
17. What makes you feel happy? When I get candy18. Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted. Where would you go? Disneyland
19. What is your favorite thing to do with Mom or Dad? Go to BlastOff
20. Now that Iām seven, I canāt wait toā¦go to second grade!