Dad's 60th Birthday Celebration

My daddy turned 60 in June!  Can't believe how the time has flown.  My family decided to celebrate by having all of us camp together for a couple of days in one of our favorite camping spots.  And boy was it beautiful.  There were wildflowers EVERYWHERE...  I took probably a million pictures of them because I love them so much:

I made Zac stop on the way to the campsite so that we could 'stop and smell the roses'

It was a pretty bright and sunny day.

And as much as I hate pictures of myself, I am putting this one in here because someday I will be old and can look back and say "Look how young I was!" right?

This is how Char has to ride in the truck so that she is not beating on the other kids.  Don't be fooled by that angelic grin.  We are outgrowing our truck faster than we can afford to buy a suburban, so we are doing what we can to make do for now.

When we got to the campsite, we immediately set up our hammock, which always attracts good company: 
Like my camera effect?  I am still learning more and more about my camera every day.

And we had lots of time to play with cousins and be silly, all while getting really dirty:

Our ingenious dad made a zip line for the kids and it was a huge hit!

This little guy got lots of quality time with his favorite person:DADDY.  He really enjoyed the idea of camping (eating rocks, trying to jump in the fire, and getting really really good and dirty).

And of course I got lots of good quality time with my sissies! 
These are their modeling faces... you can see why they haven't quit their day jobs:)

Love my sisters!

And their kids... 

Ian and Char crashed on their daddy around the campfire. 

On my Dad's birthday, my sister Lyndsay surprised him by trying to accumulate 60 notes and memories from family and friends and had my dad read them around the campfire.  What a special night for a special man.  Love you Dad!

It was hard to say goodbye to our best friends/ cousins. 

But hopefully, this becomes an annual tradition!

It goes without saying that after a weekend of hard playing, we were all pretty worn out! 
Tanner was appalled that I caught him sleeping.

And Charlotte fell asleep in the laundry room on top of a mountain of laundry.

Summer Bucket List: Campout with family (check).


Annie Bingham saidā€¦
Lori, your picture skills are already amazing. I had to steal a few to save to my computer. Hooray that you got such a sweet camera for your bday!