Birthday x2

This month, these two sillies turned 9!!!

Yep, 9... 
And even though he is such a "Big Boy" now, he still gets cake batter all over his face when he helps me make his birthday cake :)

Which turned out pretty cool by the way: 
It is a Shark Attack cake and they even had Polly Pocket arms in their mouths (much to Charlotte's dismay).  We made the sharks by dipping Twinkie (knock offs) into melted grey frosting and they turned out pretty sweet.

Tanner really loved it.

He loved it so much that he actually gave me genuine smiles when I took his picture which is a serious feat for this boy!

Ashlyn opted for an ice cream cake this year.

We turned it into a turtle.  She wanted the whole cake to be "Minty" as she is obsessed with mint!  However I made her choose something non-minty for the ice cream and then we added some mint cookies, hoping that we wouldn't overwhelm our guests with mint overload and boy did it turn out yummy!

I let them light their own candles this year.

Which may have been a mistake as I don't often let them play with matches and they didn't know what they were doing and burned their little fingers and almost the house down (not really that bad).

Making wishes together... 

 Presents!!!  I told them they couldn't wake me up before 7 AM to open presents and they were good to their word.  They woke me up at 7:01 AM.

Tanner worked really hard and saved his money so that he could buy Ashlyn a Hermit Crab.

She loves it!

Ashlyn and Ian pooled their hard earned chore money and bought Tanner a model car... just what he wanted!  (They may have very specifically told each other what to get each other for their birthdays and then showed them the presents before it was their actual birthday... stinkers!)

Ashlyn got a very cool journal from mom that locks and unlocks with a voice password.  The boys can't get into it even if they know the password, it only recognizes Ashlyn's voice.  She loves it!

Tanner got a cool new watch.  It was one of his favorite presents.  Again... genuine smile.  I may just have to give him a present or make him a birthday cake when it comes time to take annual portraits ;)

Putting together the model car.

20 Questions with the Birthday Kids
1.What is your favorite tv show or movie? Duck Tales
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What is your favorite thing to play? Basketball
4. What is your favorite book? A to Z Mysteries Series
5. Who is your best friend?
Grayson and Logan
6. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
An Aquarium Worker
8. Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things you would do?
Scare people
9. I am very proud becauseā€¦
I caught fish.
10. If I were President I wouldā€¦
make sure nobody shoots other people.
11. I am afraid to ...
get stuck somewhere up high or fall off a high place.
12. Name one thing you do really well? Read
13. Describe your best day ever
? Going to the cabin or camping with cousins and zip-lining.
14. Describe your favorite hobby. Making boats.
15. I wish there were a law that saidā€¦..
no making shark soup.
16. What makes you feel sad?
When I get hurt.
17. What makes you feel happy?  
When we go to reunions.
18. Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted. Where would you go? Disneyland
19. What is your favorite thing to do with Mom or Dad?
Watch a movie
20.  Now that Iā€™m nine, I canā€™t wait toā€¦be a Bear Scout.
1.What is your favorite tv show or movie? Duck Tales
2. What is your favorite food?
Ramen Noodles
3. What is your favorite thing to play?
4. What is your favorite book?
Puppy Place Series
5. Who is your best friend?
Grayson and Logan
6. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
Stuffed Animals
7. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Pet Store Owner
8. Imagine that you can become invisible whenever you wanted to. What are some of the things you would do?
Sneak candy
9. I am very proud becauseā€¦
I sewed a stuffed owl all by myself.
10. If I were President I wouldā€¦
make sure people are not saying bad words.
11. I am afraid to ...
go on the high dive at the swimming pool.
12. Name one thing you do really well?
13. Describe your best day ever?
Swimming and doing arts and crafts, eating lots of candy and getting lots of toys.
14. Describe your favorite hobby.  Drawing and coloring pictures (art)
15. I wish there were a law that saidā€¦..
dolphins could not be expensive.
16. What makes you feel sad? When animals get hurt or killed.
17. What makes you feel happy?  
Laying in bed with stuffed animals around me.
18. Pretend that you can fly whenever you wanted. Where would you go?
19. What is your favorite thing to do with Mom or Dad?
Have a stay up late night when everyone else goes to bed.
20.  Now that Iā€™m nine, I canā€™t wait toā€¦learn to sew.
