We're Home!

The last several weeks have been craaaaazy, as we have been working our bum bums off finishing our house and moving in.

We are by in no means "finished", but we are here.  We LIVE here TOGETHER as a FAMILY.  And we all couldn't be happier!!!  Every day I dance the donkey dance of joy.  We love the area, we love our neighbors, we love the schools, we love the house, and most of all we love having our dad home every night with us and in time for dinner!

Our home!

Here is a sneak peek at a few of my favorite parts.  When we finally feel like we are "all moved in", and I can get the house clean, I will post a more throrough home tour...

Master Bathroom:  Look, I have my own "get ready station" with a curling iron hide away, where I can keep my curing irons plugged in.  And check out my ginormous whirl pool bathtub that my kids think is a swimming pool :) 

New bedding set (I was able to take back the pot Del Monte gave me for the pears contest and exchange it for a $250 credit to Bed Bath and Beyond... we about died... we had no idea a pot could be worth so much!  We couldn't have asked for a better prize to help us out in a new home.  Thanks Del Monte!!)

My room has a sitting area and we use it ALL of the time.  It is one of our favorite places to be as a family.  I love my husband and his ability to turn Christmas mangers into a side table :)

My entry way-- first ever vinyl I have ever put on a wall!  I love it... Thanks Kellie!

Oh blessed convection double oven with time bake option, how I love you.

We are so over-the-moon happy that we all can't stop smiling.

Charlotte asked me daily for about the first week, "Can we live here?  Really?  Can we live here forever?"

Yes darling, yes we can!


Annie Bingham saidā€¦
Thanks for all the catch-up posts, I will be so happy to see your smiling faces in a few weeks, and see your home in it's glory.