How Appropriate

The other day, Zac and I were looking through some Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn magazines looking for and dreaming about decorating ideas for the new house.  I came across a beautiful little girl's room which I showed to Ashlyn and said, "Wouldn't that be fun!"  This is the conversation that followed:

Ashlyn: "Yeah, but isn't it too much?"
Me:  "What do you mean too much?"
Ashlyn:  "Well, you know, it's not appropriate."
Me: "Appropriate?"  "Like it has bad stuff in it?"
Ashlyn: "No, like it is more than we need.  You know how in conference they said we are supposed to not have more things than we need... we need to live in houses that are appropriate for our families."

WOW!  What could I do but shut my Pottery Barn magazine and hug the girl.  Not only was it amazing that she felt that way, but I am absolutely blown away that she learned something and remembered it from Conference!!!  These are the kids that usually run screaming from a room when we tell them it is Conference weekend. 

I am so proud of the wonderful people my children are becoming.  On Sunday, the twins got a new primary teacher.  After the meetings when we were gathering up and getting ready to go home, their teacher sought them out and told them how much she appreciated them both and how they had made her Sunday much easier because they were so reverent and such good examples as they sweetly participated in her lesson.  I can't wait to see them baptised in two months. We have been dreaming of this day for a long time.  They are always going to stay this good right?


Annie Bingham said…
That is an amazing thing that Ashlyn is so appropriate. I am impressed, it'd be nice to have a kid like that. Mine would be designing a swimming pool room or some such thing.
Kris said…
What a sweet little girl. You guys are doing something right in raising your kids!