Unfortunately, not every day of Summer can be a "Riding the roller coasters at Disney Land" kind of day.  In fact, with Zac and I building the house, sometimes our days are spent in a vacant hay field, watching Daddy stake out the lot...a vacant hay field in 90-degree heat, with no toys, or people, or anything to do for four hours... That said, sometimes Mom has to be creative to keep the kids from killing each other with tape measure swords.  This is our "Who can make the funniest face contest" that took place after hour 3.

The contest was followed by, "Whoever can make Bronson laugh, gets a quarter" contest.  Which equally entertained the baby and the big kids.  Here is Bronson getting ready to throw his binky.

But even when we are home, some days are just boring old lazy days.

Just be sure to never tell your mom that your bored, or your mom, might just trick you into wearing a tutu and pull out the camera hidden behind her back.  Tanner may be scarred for life, but I don't think that he will tell me he is bored again for the rest of the summer!
