The Temple through the Lens of Children

I mentioned in my previous post that in September we were able to travel to SLC and then to Logan for the sealing of Zac's dad and his wife.  As we had the kids with us, I decided to wait out on the temple grounds with them while Zac attended the sealing.  To keep them busy for an hour, I gave them free rein of the camera and told them to find me some inspirational photos.  Tanner, Ashlyn, and Ian rotated turns with the camera and these are the photos that they came up with...

The Logan, Utah Temple by Tanner

A Rose at the Temple by Ashlyn

Chevy Truck at the temple by Ian

Water Features

More beautiful Flora

Tanner learned that if he layed down on the ground he could get some interesting shots.

It was a popular weekend for weddings and we watched about 4-5 different couples of newly weds emerge from the temple.  Ashlyn was bound and determined to get a picture of a bride, while being stealthy.  This is what she came up with.  I am just glad to know that my little girl who hates anything to do with princesses, dress up, and dolls actually has aspirations to be a beautiful bride someday!

American Flag

My 7-year old son is obsessed with maps and took a picture of his map of temple square, just in case he misplaced it, then he could still navigate us around the city.

Charlotte liked laying down on the grass too.  We may have been a little dirty and grass stained by the time our family came out of the temple :)

The Fillmores-- Zac's dad Jim, brother Tyler, sister Megan, the hot stud himself, and Jim's wife Cresta.
We are so happy for Jim and Cresta and were glad that we could be a part of their special day.

If you would like to order any of the above prints, just send a check for $100 made out to Fillmore Photography and I'll be sure you get a 4x6 of your choice!


Kris saidā€¦
Wow...can't believe those pictures were taken by kids. I knew they were all exceptional children!