Can You Hear the Trumpet?
Last Sunday in church, the speaker was going on and on and the children were restless. In a moment of desperation, I handed Ian a piece of grid paper and a pen and asked him to draw me a picture of the temple. This is what he came up with...

Keep in mind this budding genius is only 4-years old. As I talked with him about his drawing and listened to him tell me about the windows, the door, the steeple, and the statue of Moroni, I pointed to the 3 lines drawn eminating from the horn and asked him what those lines were. Ian replied, "That's the sound the trumpet is making!"
Wow! My 4-year old son can hear the sound of Moroni blowing his horn, bidding everyone come and gather at the temple. Do I hear the call? And if I could hear it, would I work harder to get to the temple more often?
Leave it to my 4-year old to constantly prick my heart with these philosophical and spiritual drawings and insights. I feel so honored to be raising these noble spirit children of God. I always thought that my purpose as a mother is to teach these children about their spiritual heritage and to help them on their path back to their Heavenly Father, but what I am often finding is that they are here to teach me the same things. What an intelligent Father in Heaven we have that sends us into families so that we can love and teach each other.