Pioneer Day

We love our pioneer ancestors, and not just for the amazing things that they did to trek across the United States so that they could freely practice their religion here in the West.  We also love them because they invented "Pioneer Day"!  Which is a huge deal here in Idaho (thought it was an even bigger deal when we lived in Utah and the whole state would shut down and there would be fireworks and huge parades)... but we are just as happy with our Idaho celebrations!

Our stake has this wonderful annual Pioneer Day celebration that involves a catered dinner from Gandolofos? where they pack these amazing sack lunches with fantastic sandwhiches, chips, cookies, and all the pop you can drink... then there is kaereoke, pie eating contests, chicken chases, and mutton busting AND

A huge pool filled with about 20-30 large trout that they release into the water and let the kids grab and keep!

My kids have never actually caught one, but they sure give it their all.

There are also pony rides...

And a dunking booth, that my sweet little fish Ashlyn was determined that she was going to sit in this year.  After she went in, I thought she would be half drowned and scared, but she got up there again and did it 5 more times!  Yikes, my kids are growing up so fast!
