Bundle of Fun

Oh goodness me, they say it takes a while to forget how difficult newborns are before you want to have another... newborns difficult, bah!  At least newborns stay where you put them!  Every day I collapse into an exhausted heap on the couch and tell Zac, Charlotte is the busiest kid we have ever had... to which he reminds me to go read my own blog posts about Ian when he was this age... and let's just say we are lucky I didn't start blogging until the twins were almost four!  All said, at the end of the day, I peek at my precious sleeping angel and suddenly the day's naughtiness becomes more funny than exhausting.

 Whenever we buy worms to fish with, the kids always think that the worms were bought as a personal pet.  This can of worms kept Charlotte busy for over an hour as she carefully took them out and set them free and then picked them back up and started all over again.

Why is it so fun for toddlers to fit themselves into the tightest spaces possible.  This girl loves to climb into my corner cabinet and sit and play with all my cans.  Notice that she only has ONE shoe... this summer she has lost a sandle at the movie theatre, another at Toys 'R us, another in the vast expanse of our yard, and has been thwarted on many lost shoe attempts as I catch her throwing them in public places.

 Reading and kissing magazines, notice her piggy tails, I am loving that her hair is finally long enough for piggies!

And this is my favorite, and it goes with a story... months ago darling Charli developed an ear infection in both ears.  I knew that her ears were hurting because she started covering them as in the above picture.  When she covered her ears, she discovered that it muffled sound.  Flash forward to months later and healed ears, now whenever mom says, "No!" as in "No Charlotte! Don't throw your food on the floor!" then she plugs her ears thusly so that she doesn't have to hear mom!  Why doesn't that work for me when I don't want to hear what the kids have to tell me?

What will this child be like as a teenager, I just hope she survives so that we can find out!
