Pictures from the Thunderbolt

Zac has a really cool phone called a Thunderbolt.  He likes it a lot and says that he can take better pictures on it than I can with my digital camera.  The only problem is, that I can only get those pictures from him about once a year when he finally gets around to e-mailing them to me.  And as you can see, they are much smaller than the pictures I usually post, but hey you have to admire that Thunderbolt quality.

The next three pictures, seem to be recurring in my blog quite frequently.  We love to visit Zac's grandma's cabin in Island Park, and one of our favorite things to do there is set out our minnow traps on the docks and catch minnows and craw dads.
 Ashlyn at the docks

 Ian running haphazardously without a life jacket on the docks

 And pulling in the days haul

This is where Charlotte rides when we go to the docks, or else she would jump in the water.  I am serious, she has done it before.

This is our intelligent dog, Maggie, and the mess she gets herself into every day when she is tethered for the night.  She wraps herself around chairs, ladders, slides, and if you cant tell, there is a golf club tied securely to her legs that she somehow managed to mangle in with everything else.... dogs... who knew they were so much work!

 And this is me at the beginning of summer posing next to the falls by the temple.  The river was in flood stage at the time and we couldn't believe the amount of water coming down over the falls.

I am walking on water to get to the temple... or the sidewalk was flooded and it made for a cool picture!

Thanks for the nifty pictures Thunderbolt, I look forward to hearing from you again next year!
