Bad Easter Eggs and Tricky Easter Hunts
NOTE: If you even think about turning me into Children's Health and Welfare, then stop reading right now! I already know that I am the worst mother in the world. The only reason I am even posting this is to warn you to ALWAYS buckle your baby into the high chair!
Poor Charlotte! You would think that being my fourth child, I would have learned certain lessons by now... but no, it seems this child is so eager to climb and run and jump, that I never realize until too late that I should move the crib matress down, or buckle her into her high chair. She was eating dinner last night, doing great, licking her tray... I turn my back to put something into the sink, and BLAMO! Look at the size of that egg on her head, have you ever seen one that bad! Yes, I freaked out. We finally calmed her down, kept an eye on her pupils (making sure she didn't have a concussion), and kept her awake for the next 2+ hours so that we could watch her.
By this morning, it was down to this... You know someday, someone will ask her, "Were you dropped on your head as a child, or what?" and she will sadly have to say, "Yes, several times!" I swear to you, I am going out to buy a helmet and some football pads for her today!
On a totally unrelated note, we had to show our house the other day. When we came home, Ashlyn said, "Why did you put cups on top of the cupboards?" Hmmm... well Ian was in charge of unloading the dishwasher, it turns out that he wanted to make a fun "hunt" for me, after all of the fun Easter hunts that he has been to. Don't ask me how he got the cups up there. I think that I am finally starting to find all of my silverware, cups, plates, pots and pans. You would think that I would learn to never take my eyes off my kids for even a second. That is why I will now be taking them all into the bathroom with me, if you'll just excuse me for a moment....ļ»æ