It Was Bound To Happen Sooner or Later

What mom doesn't have a story of kids cutting their own hair.  At least our story isn't that bad.  It starts with Ian's beard.  Poor Ian has a problem with facial hair.  One day his daddy helped him shave his beard with the electric razor and ever since, Ian will wake up every now and then and exclaim, "Oh, no!  I have a beard again!" and then he will go get the electric razor and shave.  Of course, he doesn't turn the thing on, so I thought, no harm, no foul.  BUT THEN... Tanner caught wind of the beard shaving and since HE is the OLDER brother, of course HE needed to shave too.  BUT, HE is old enough to know how to really turn ON the electric razor, and when beard trimming got old (since there is no real hair to shave), he took it to his hair.
 He trimmed a nice design in his bangs.  Notice how he is trying to hide from me in the water so that I won't take his picture.  Poor kid was pretty embarrassed, but me being the nice mom that I am, decided to post this on the blog for the world to see.  Will this be a defining moment that leads to eventual therapy?

And a nice bald spot on the side.  We are lucky that mom caught him pretty fast.  At least he is a boy and it will grow out in like a week.  If this had been Ashlyn, this would have been a whole different story.  Just ask my sister Rachael, who got her hair torn out in a terrible mixer accident when she was young (*cough, cough, ahem, not my fault).  Her poor hair took AGES to grow back.ļ»æ
