Weekly Dose of Ian

Here are a few of my favorite "Ian-isms" of the week:

When he was surprised at something, he exclaimed, "Holy Whack-a-Moley!"

He has been very interested lately with his "Ghost Body", aka spirit.  He believes that his ghost body lives in his stomach.  After falling down and hurting his stomach he told me, "Mom, that hurt me clear down to my ghost body!"

When looking through the Toys-R-Us catalogue to decide what he wanted for Christmas, he came to the page of Power Wheels.  In case you don't know what Power Wheels are, they are cars, trucks, jeeps, etc., that have a battery and a motor and kids can actually drive them.  He told me I want this one, and this one, and this one, until he had pointed to every one of them on the page.  I said, "Do you really think that you are going to wake up on Christmas morning and find that Santa has parked ten Power Wheels all over the living room."  Ian looked at me and had this, 'my mom is such an idiot' look on his face and said, "NO, I would have Santa park them in the garage."

Some items on his Christmas list include a Lightening McQueen car that goes really fast that never gets dead, and his own TV and DVD player for his room. 

Do you think that he'll settle for a coloring book?


Toni saidā€¦
He really is such a cute boy! Him and his Ghost Body.