Guess Who Else is Growing Up?

I'll give you some clues...

 Aunt Lyndsay (appropriately) calls me George, so much so that I now respond to it rather than protesting that I am NOT George.

 I am a big brother and help my mom with my baby sister every day.

 I can play games on the Internet all by myself without ever needing my mom to help me!

 I have lots of cool friends and they come over all the time to hang.

Did you guess yet, it's me George... I mean Ian!

The other day I was having a bath with my baby sister.  I was upset because she took my toy fish that I was playing with.  Then she handed it to me and mom said, "What a good sister to give you your fish back!" to which I replied, "No, it was just a really good fish."

Mom is taking a turn with the neighborhood moms teaching my preschool right now and this is what I asked her the other day...
Ian: "Mom, are you going to be my teacher for a long time?"
Mom: "Yep!"
Ian: "Then do I have to start calling you, Mrs. Jorgensen?"  (Mrs. Jorgensen is Tanner's teacher.)
Mom:  "No, because that's not my name."
Ian: "So, do I call you Mrs. Mommy then?"
Mom:  "Sure, you can call me Mrs. Mommy."
Ian:  "No, that's too hard, I'll just call you Mrs. Jorgensen."

I make my mommy laugh every day!
