Guess Who's Growing Up?

I'll give you some clues...

 I like to sit in my Bumbo and eat rice puffs. (NOTE:  Please disregard the warning printed on the lower bottom right of the Bumbo that says, "Do not place Bumbo on an elevated surface."  They very obviously only meant that warning for irresponsible parents!)

One of my favorite games to play is to get a soft blankie...

 Then bury my face in it...

 And rub my face all over and then sit up, grin, and do it again!

 I already know that I am a princess.

 And I can stay busy for minutes banging on my percussion instruments.

ļ»æDid you guess yet?  It's me, Charlotte!
PS.  I can sit up all by myself in the tub now and good luck getting me out of here, it is my favorite place to be!


So cute!! She is getting big, and I totally used my BUMBO on the counter. That is until Kherrington started arching her back so much that I was afraid she'd come out on her own! So fun and cute Halloween costumes. I didn't dress up either and I had the entire things sitting there waiting for me. What a party poop I was! Oh well. I'll do better next year too!