Sleep... What would that be like?

I think I know why pregnant ladies are so tired all the time. I am 20 weeks along and I am still getting up 3-5 times a night to go to the bathroom and I am not exaggerating! When I get up I am too tired to turn on any lights, so I inevitably almost always run into a wall or trip over a toy. Then there is 4 or 5AM when I wake up with the urge that I must eat something IMMEDIATELY or die!

On top of all of that madness, my kids never fail to wake me during the hour that I am actually sleeping. My week will start with Tanner coming in at 2 AM because his leg hurts (growing pains). I have to get him some Tylenol, the heating pad and then rub it for a while before he is settled down. Then I can guarantee that the next night his other leg will hurt, just to keep things even. Then the night after that and the night after that, Ashlyn will come in because twins grow at the same rate. And of course, Ian has started waking up every three hours needing more milk (a growing spurt, maybe? or just reverting to infancy in anticipation of a new baby?)

Sometimes, when I get rudely shaken awake, I will say..."Go tell dad." Then I hear them yelling Dad, Dad, DAD! to no avail. No amount of jumping up and down on him, yelling in his ear, or wet willies will wake him. On the miraculous chance that we can wake him, he never knows what to do to help leg aches go away, so I end up getting up in the end anyways, when I could have just ended the ordeal the first chance I got.

Oh I miss those high school days when I could sleep through the ENTIRE night without having to go to the bathroom or being rudely shaken awake (except those few times when my mom was hallucinating in her sleep and would wake me up to yell at me for rolling in the mud... but that is a different blog!) And then sleeping in until noon... or 3 in the afternoon...

I am sure it will get better when the baby is born, right?


Adrianne Miller saidā€¦
Oh Poor Lori. I do not miss waking up constantly to go to the bathroom and I was the same way with the eating. I would wake up in the night and HAVE to eat or I wouldn't live. They were like full meals too. I think it is so funny when people say to you when you are prego, "sleep while you can!" Ha.