Fillmores Don't Get Bored... They Get Creative!

Recently, we have been having a lot of Mommy and me time as Daddy is called out of town 8-10 hours away. He is building a church for the LDS church right now in Brodus, Montana, and while we are very proud of him, the long days melt into longer nights without daddy to break up our day. This is what we did after being shut in all week with Tanner's swine flu. I had read every story, sang every song, watched every movie, and used every single Lincoln Log and Lego to build countless projects. Suddenly it came to me... bath finger paints! It was a hit and broke up our night.
Here is the recipe:
1/3 cup mild liquid soap
1 to 2 tablespoons cornstarch
Food coloring
Squirt bottles or small plastic tubs from dollar store (we used paper cups)
Put 1/3 cup liquid soap into a squirt bottle or small plastic jar and add 1-2 tablespoons cornstarch and several drops of food coloring. Close slid tightly, then shake well until food coloring and cornstarch is completely mixed (or stir with spoon) - this is a great job to give the kids, just be sure the lid is on tightly first! Because the base is soap, it will wash off, and wash the kids at the same time. When their bath is done, give them a quick rinse in the shower, especially if they have used a lot of finger paints!
Happy Painting!