Our Future Engineer/Architect/Genius
Lately, our 5-year old Tanner, has been very into "making stuff". That is what he asks me to do every day. "Mom, can we make sumfin' today?" Tired of coming up with craft projects, we have just started giving him raw materials and then letting him go to town. I am always very excited to see what he comes up with. The things he designs are genius! What do you think this boy will be when he grows up? Whatever he is, I hope it makes him enough money to pay for his Mom and Dad's lavish retirement!
Tanner designed and built this all by himself. In all my years of Lincoln Logging, I have never been creative enough to come up with a house like this.
Here is another view. The first house reminds me of the story about a witch that lives in a house that has legs and travels all over the forest. The second house was also designed and made by Tanner. It has a corral in the front for his animals and the log hanging off the side, he said is for a bird feeder.
