A Positive Experience

When Zac and I decided that we wanted kids it took us probably a year and a half to finally get pregnant with the twins. Ian took six months. And we have wanted a number 4 for a while, but kept waiting for various reasons. When it finally came time to go for it, we assumed it would take us a while. Even so, whenever you are ready, it can be quite a bummer getting a negative pregnancy test... which I did. I had taken it, sure that I was preggers and then told Zac that night that I was 99.9% sure that I was not pregnant. We were bummed and ready to wait another long month to go through it all again.
But then I just kept feeling pregnant. I couldn't sleep at night because I wanted brownies, and cookies, and anything I could shove into my mouth... so a week later I tried again and this time had a positive outcome. I scheduled a babysitter and wrapped up the pregnancy test and took my husband out to eat. While the waiter was getting our dinner, I gave Zac his present. He was so surprised and shocked that tears just started flowing... which in turn made me laugh and cry. By the time the waiter got to us we were quite the pair. You would think we should have gotten a free dessert or something. I am glad to say the excitement at expecting number 4 is just as intense as it was for 1,2, and 3. We can't wait for our new arrival sometime at the end of March!
Here is an ultrasound from my last appointment. For some reason they can never find my babies heartbeats, so they always ultrasound me, which is just fine by me! We get to find out what the little guy or girl is next month.


Jade saidā€¦
WAHOO! That's great news. I'm so happy for you. With Hammy, I also just knew I was pregnant, but then got a false negative. It was so confusing until several weeks later when I tried again and finally got the right/correct results. Can't wait to see what kind of bun you've got in the oven. Hope you're feeling well.
Adrianne Miller saidā€¦
Lori, that is so exciting! Just the other day I had a thought that you probably would be annoucing another baby soon. It just seemed like it was time! I am really excited for you!
Tiffany saidā€¦
Congrats Lori!! Honestly 4 scare the poo out of me so I am continuing to hold out . . .

So happy for you!!
I love it!! This is great news!! I'm so excited for your little family to grow by another. I hope you're feeling great with the pregnancy. I'm so glad to hear the excitement is just as great for each of your kids. I sometimes wonder if it would be. I'm assuming the feeling after you deliver is the same too? Congradulations!!
Hanson Family saidā€¦
Congratulations you guys!! We are very excited for you!
Alicia saidā€¦
Congrats!!! How exciting, we are happy for your family!
Lefgren Family saidā€¦
Congratulations Lori, I'm so excited for you!! It's so fun to see you with your little brood of kids.