
We have learned these past years that the cabin is just as close if not closer to our grandparent's house.  So when the kids get several days off for Thanksgiving Break, we head to the cabin and go to Thanksgiving from there.

This year Charlotte and I had to come up a day later because she couldn't miss basketball.

The ice fishing was pretty good while we were there and kept us freezing as we pulled in the fish on the ice.

On the day after Thanksgiving we were joined by Grandpa Bob, Uncle Matt, Shay, and Rayce and we had lots of fun as Grandpa showed us his fisherman magic and caught more fish than any ov us!

I thought this was a funny picture, because every single kid is on a device!  So sad!

We played lots of games together, and enjoyed lots of good food, laughs, and love with our extended family.   
