Do You Wanna Build a Snowman?

We love it when Charlotte gets home from Kindergarten, for 2 glorious hours, there are no distractions from older siblings and Whitlee is napping, so that these two can have countless adventures together.

Lately, Charlotte has taken to dressing Bronson up to fit her role plays.  On this particular day, she wanted to be Elsa... what little girl doesn't want to be Elsa, despite the whole evil Ice Queen/Witch thing... so Bronson just had to be Olaf.  Since we don't actually have an Olaf costume, Charlotte invented this one for him.  It cracked me up.  I just had to get a picture.

A white shirt with white skirt, stickers for the buttons and carrot nose, and sticks for his arms.  She actually did use her powers to build a snowman.  Now if we could just get Whitlee to wake up and take on the role of Anna.
