Builder Boys

Tanner has been playing a lot of football games in Pocatello.  It can be a long day sometimes as he is always required to be there an hour early to warm up.  Zac decided that while waiting for the game to start he would take Bronson and Ian to a builder's workshop at the Pocatello Lowes.  It was a huge HUGE hit.  Bronson was all smiles all day as he showed us all the firetruck he created.

Ian has taken an interest in building lately as well.  He had a list of projects that he wanted to make with his dad.  One of them was a bird house.  The boys had a ball one Saturday afternoon in the garage with their dad learning to use tools to create this beauty: 

We may have even had a bird try to inhabit it, but we have a cat that is pretty much anti-bird and we found the most beautiful dead Mountain Blue Bird next to our sandbox.  :(  Maybe we shouldn't have hung the birdhouse on the post the cat likes to climb.
