Merry Christmas!

What a wonderful Christmas we had!  Here is a little picture round up of our fabulous holiday:

Our home festive with wreaths and snow

We had a wonderful party at Zac's brother's home with his mom and siblings.  We enacted our annual Christmas nativity and Bronson was big enough this year to have a desire to dress as a shepherd... and to think that just last year he was baby Jesus.  Boy, does time ever fly!

Zac's very talented sister, Megan made us this beautiful growth chart for the kids and Zac modified it slightly to add a movable measuring device.

It is a hit with the kids! 

Christmas morning brought lots of fun and surprises.  Ian and Tanner got some Micro Chargers race tracks and cars and have had non-stop fun playing with them.

One of Tanner's favorite presents is a Hot Wheels Car and Truck maker.  Despite my initial worries that it might be a mess and hard to use, it was surprisingly easy, clean, and a lot of fun!

Charlotte got a cash register and grocery cart, while Ashlyn is happily displaying a Webkinz cat, one of her favorite presents.

And Bronson got a new car!

Lucky boy!

Santa was good to Zac and I as well.  Santa brought me a 7 ft. large bean bag to keep in the basement for family movie nights, some new shoes, and a back massager.  Zac was given a much needed router, some very hard to find .22 bullets, and a beautiful map of the United States.  I also made him a tee-shirt quilt out of all of his childhood/ high school/ mission t-shirts.  He loves it and it has gotten a lot of use so far.

We were able to celebrate on Christmas Eve with all my siblings and their spouses and kids at my mom and dad's house.  We put on another nativity.  Ashlyn is her favorite... an angel.  Tanner was a Wiseman. 

Ian was Joseph and cousin Paige was Mary.

And Charlotte shone as the star of the show.  She had a great time playing with her angel cousin Alyza.

Thank you so much to all of our wonderful family and friends for the kind wishes, cards, snacks, and gifts.  We feel so loved and blessed and we have thoroughly enjoyed feeling the Spirit of Christmas as we have tried very hard to focus on the birth of our Savior this year.  I hope all of your holidays were as wonderful as ours.
