
I don't know if it was Friday the 13th or if someone broke a mirror or crossed a black cat, but the last two weeks have been rough for the little ones.

Bronson started it.  He was scooting a chair to the table and trying to climb onto the table to dance? when he had a misstep and fell to the floor bonking his head.  Don't be fooled by the smile... he wasn't very happy about it :(

Charlotte must have been jealous about the attention he was receiving and a DAY later she was twirling around on our bar stools and fell off and also bonked her head on the tile.  Boy, does she ever get giant goose eggs!!!  Remember THIS?  She has hit that same spot 3-4 times, is it possible to get a brain tumor this way?  We are nervous for her.

And then just when his bump started to heal, Tanner took Bronson on a wild wagon ride and turned a corner a little too sharp and scraped little Buster's nose on the pavement.  Ouch!!  From now on I am wrapping these kids in bubble wrap and not letting them out of my sight!


Kris saidā€¦
Ouch! I remember that bump in the same place on Charlotte's head from another time! Glad they're ok!