Tanner's Football Season in Review

We just wrapped our third season of flag football with Tanner.  As usual, we started in 90+ degree weather, dumping water on our heads to keep cooled off, and ended in a snowed out game!

Tanner is such a hustler (not with the ladies, but on the football field :)  He absolutely loves getting to the man with the ball to pull his flag and he is pretty fast!  His coaches put him on the defensive line and he is a very good rusher.
We were lucky to be placed on a team with about five other boys from our ward.  The coach is also in our ward and this is his third year coaching these boys.  He is a great coach and is getting to know each boy along with their strengths and weaknesses.  By the time these boys are in highschool they will be a well oiled machine!

Running even when heading to the sidelines to get a drink.  This boy is serious about the sport.

The Jets

The next time you see me, I'll be holding your quarterback's flag!

Intense huddles

We are going to miss football this year, but don't you worry, next year we will be back in DOUBLE force when Ian is eligible to play! (No way can my babies be growing up this fast!)


Kris saidā€¦
Tanner is growing up so fast! I can't believe he's that little pre-mature twin that was only 3 pounds! What a boy!