Being Crafty

Our home hit it's 2 1/2 year mark of being "For Sale", with nothing even close to a sale, in fact, we hadn't even been showing the house much at all lately,  the contract was up with the realtor, and with holiday seasons and a baby on the horizon, we decided it was time for a break.

What does that have to do with being crafty?  Well, I now feel like I can spread a project out from here to there and work on it all day rather than dusting the chandeliers in case the house shows.

Here are some of the projects I have been working on lately!
We have had this carseat since the twins were born.  I don't mind the fabric so much, but that creepy little bear sticker at the top has always rubbed me wrong...

Not to mention after going through 4 kids this thing was irreparably stained up and getting worn out.  We needed a re-do.

Ta Da!  The finished product!  I honestly can't believe that I figured this out!  It involved picking apart every piece of the old carseat cover and then cutting out new pieces and putting it all back together. 

It even got a new canopy makeover.  In the past, I would have never gone for something so blue, just in case we have more kids and the next one is a girl, but I am sick of "generic", I wanted this little guy to have something boy-ish!

Next up, while Zac was out of town in Louisianna, Texas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah one week, I got bored.  So I took the kids to DI with me to see what I could make.  I bought this glass goblet and glass bowl and glued them together to make a fruit bowl... or harvest bowl for a fall decoration.  It cost me $1.50 to make (plus glue and all the stuff I put in it).

I also bought this pot for $2.00 and painted it coppery/ red and put some sticks in it to fill a big vacant space in my kitchen.

Nasty pillow that we got for a wedding present

Ta Da!  Total cost: Free, I had all of these scraps in my fabric box.

And finally I was sick of Ashlyn and Charlotte's hair bows getting lost and dirty in this mess of a drawer.

Whenever we wanted a bow, we would find them gunked up with toothpaste or find them not at all, ewwww!

The solution:  I took a picture frame that I already had but was not using.  Used some scrap fabric to cover a piece of scrap plywood Zac had lying around in the garage and bought this ribbon for $2.00, then tacked it just so onto the plywood.

And now we have a handy bow holder hanging in our bathroom.  Now we can see exactly what we have and everything stays toothpaste free!

Now, I should probably go clean my house again... but it sure isn't as much fun :(


Leia saidā€¦
Lori, those are all so cute. I love that feeling of accomplishment I get when finishing a craft. Even if it wasn't #1 on my to do list. That car seat cover turned out really nice! I've been wanting to try that myself.
Kris saidā€¦
You never cease to amaze me! What darling crafty things!
Annie Bingham saidā€¦
That car seat amazes me. How you could make it look so fab is beyond me. Good job!
USA saidā€¦
Way to go Lori! I'm loving that you sew more than I do...and I remember those days of beginning sewing when you would cry and have your mom make your skirt for you! (Ha, ha!! No, I know you did it yourself!) You're AMAZING!!