Another Masterpiece in the Works

For those who don't know, Zac and I are expecting our 5th child.  Gasp!  Yes, five is a lot of kids.  And no, I can't control number four yet.  I love it when people in my ward at church find out, they get a panicked expression on their face and say, "How OLD will Charlotte be when the baby comes!?!"  The answer, 23-months... I guess they are just concerned because they see both Zac and I get bested in a wrestling match every week by an 18-month old.

All of us are thrilled.  Zac and I have always known that we wanted a big family and we have been so fortunate and blessed so far with the ones we have, we thought we would test fate one more time.

I will be 20 weeks pregnant as of Saturday, which means the big ultrasound is scheduled for next Wednesday.  I just really can't get a feel on whether this one is a boy or girl.  It is so fun having two of each and we will be just thrilled with either gender.  So, just out of curiousity, I am posting a poll on my blog for the next week (left hand side of the page near the top).  What do you think boy or girl?


Adrianne Miller saidā€¦
Oh, I'm so excited for you. I voted boy just cause why not?
Jade saidā€¦
YAY! YAY! YAY! I am so stinking excited for you. Yay! I would post my vote for girl with the hopes you'd have an easier time, but after hearing all of the adventures of Miss Charlotte, I think you might need the break of a typically destructive boy. :-) Either way, YAY!

(Oh, and have you considered not finding out with this one? 'Cause I'll put a total plug in for it -- for us it has always been an amazingly fun experience.)
Holly saidā€¦
Lori- I think you should have at least 12 children! You are organized, amazing & such a fun mom! Congratulations!! :) Very exciting!!
Becky saidā€¦
Congratulations, Lori! We are so excited for you guys!
Yeah Lori, I ao admire you..Sometimes I wonder if I would ever have the patience needed for 5 kids, but you are a great mom and totally can handle it. Love it and so excited for you guys. I totally am going for a girl cause that's what we know around our place!! Go GIRL POWER, 23 months is what Kherringotn and Tynlie are. It's worked pretty well, except we didn't get Kherrington potty trained before Tynlie was born, and we've had so many changes we've been putting off. Can't decide if it's a good or bad thing.
Alicia saidā€¦
How exciting! Congrats! Big families are the best! :)
Tiffany saidā€¦
Hoo-ray! That is awesome. I sure wish we lived closer so that we could all hang out! Our kids would so get along, even my (gasp) 9 year old. ha ha.

I vote boy.
USA saidā€¦
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm so excited for you guys! Yay! I also put a plug in for not finding out the gender!!!