Spoiler Alert!

I appreciated several comments that mentioned not finding out the sex of our baby, but if you know my personality at all, you know there is no way that could happen!  I am somewhat of an organization werido... by "somewhat" I mean you could come to my house at any given time and it will probably be a mess, but on the other hand, I will have my meals planned out for the whole month, a month worth of preschool lessons ready to go, my church calling caught up 3 months in advance, and now that I know the gender of #5, I will probably go wash some newborn clothes tomorrow and get out the nursery bedding :)  That said, if you don't want to know the sex of our fifth child, then quit reading right here!

We are having a little BOY!  And we couldn't be more excited.  We seem to be good at going boy/girl, boy/girl around here, so we definately know what to do with the little guy.  Both Zac and I have felt like this baby was a boy all along and I even had several dreams about him, so we are very excited to get to meet this little man... just one more reason why I like to know the gender in advance, I feel like I can bond with this baby a little more before he is born.  So now that I know, I guess I better hurry along and go pack my hospital bag and embroider the little guys name on his blessing outfit, February 21 is coming fast!


USA saidā€¦
Yeah! Congratulations! I'm so excited for you guys!
Holly saidā€¦
That is SO exciting Lori- I don't know how you could ever think you aren't organized! You are amazing! I sure wish I could have made it to the Service Auction! I hear it was fun!
Toni saidā€¦
I had a feeling it would be a boy, congrats, I'm excited for ya!!!
Annie Bingham saidā€¦
Where was my phone call missy? This is phone call news, I had to hear it from Lyndsay of all people!
Goody Family saidā€¦
"Lyndsay OF ALL PEOPLE"???

Sherry M. saidā€¦
Triple message for me! Not only did I learn he's a boy, I learned he's on his way and he's due Feb. 21st! Congratulations & love to the Fillmores!
Sherry M. saidā€¦
oops, I didn't wait for my "Unknown" name to be updated........