Great Ideas

I recently sold another piece to Disney's Family Fun magazine for their "My Great Idea" segment.  If you don't subscribe to Disney's Family Fun, you are totally missing out... you can get a subscription on e-bay for generally under five dollars, so there is really no excuse... Anywho, the piece will come out in the June/July issue and I will score a whoppin' $100 for some family fun of my own.

Here are a few other good ideas we have had lately for some Fillmore family fun...

 We painted rocks to look like the fruits and vegetables growing in our garden to use as row markers.

 We wrapped some presents for our dear daddy, who has a birthday coming up.  I learned this trick from my crafty mother-in-law.  If you have some scraps after the wrapping is finished, you can cut them into thin strips and curl them with scissors just like you would curl a ribbon.

Then you can tape or staple a grouping of them together and use them for a free, cute bow.  Her bows are totally cuter and have lots more ribbon curls, but I was being too lazy to cut up more scraps... but you get the idea!

 This fun craft came from my sister Lyndsay, she did this with the kids when we all stayed at the cabin together recently.  First, you use crayons to fill a sheet of white cardstock with colorful shapes and designs.  You can be totally random, but make sure you use lots of colors everywhere.  Next you use black craft paint (toll paint, acrylic paint, whatever you want to call it), to cover the whole sheet of paper.  Let it dry completely, then using a nail, screw, or whatever other random hardwear you have laying around (a fork?), scratch a design in the picture.  Aren't these cute!  The kids had a ball with them!

ļ»æAnd finallly, this is what will be in the June/July issue of Family Fun.  It is a cup saving clothes line for camping.  You just string up some rope and bring some clothes pins.  Everyone writes their name on a clothes pin, then for the duration of the camping trip, when you are done with your cup, you can hang it on the line.  It saves cups and keeps litter off the ground.  This idea came from my cousin Kathy's husband Scott's family and he taught it to us at a family reunion.

What great ideas have you had lately?


Holly saidā€¦
you are so cute! Congrats on that extra $100! YAY! I think I might have to do the rock garden markers! :)
Kris saidā€¦
I'm trying to think of what other mother-in-law you have...the crafty one!