Cheap Happiness

About a month ago, I signed up to be on a blog e-mailing list.  The site is Freebies 2 Deals and everyday they have free samples that you can sign up for and other amazing deals.  I have been signing up daily for deals and as most deals take 4-6 weeks to get to your door, I am just now starting to get them in my mailbox.

 This is what was in my mailbox today: A free sample of a Shout Color Catcher (do you think it will get the orange crayon out of our white underwear?), A free bottle of any Suave Professionals product, A free bag of Kraft Mozzarella Cheese, and though it didn't come today, you can also see a free box of Philadelphia cooking creme that was in my fridge (I would have also added my 3 free Jell-O Pudding Temptations, but I already ate them all, they were yummy!)

And this is just a start!  I have many more free samples and coupons on their way in the mail.  It makes me happy to check the mail everyday, rather than dreading the bills that will be in there!

And finally, I just wanted to show you that Charlotte is still alive, with NO NEW bumps or bruises and is safely buckled into her high chair.... while I am down here... blogging... ummmm excuse me for a moment, while I go check on the baby!

(disclaimer, I did not actually leave the baby upstairs alone in her high chair, I only put that in for humor's sake... just sayin')


Tiffany said…
I too LOVE Freebies2Deals! I am starting to get all my free stuff too! Yay! My kids are super excited about the free LEGO magazine subscription.