The Best Day of the Year
Call me selfish, but Mother's Day tends to be my most favorite holiday of the year! It is the one day of the year when I get to sleep in, have breakfast cooked for me, and the house neat and tidy. And when you have amazing kids like me, it makes Mother's Day even better.
Here is Ian lounging in the Anti-gravity chair that he and his brother and sisters helped dad pick out. Dad says that the idea for the chair came from the kids and they had to go to at least three different stores before they found a chair that had all the necessary amenities.
Ashlyn grew me some fresh basil and brought home a recipe for spaghetti sauce with fresh basil, which we just had to try and we had it for dinner that night! It was delicious!
Tanner made me a Mother's Day game at school and brought it to me in bed where we played it probably five times! It was fun and the best part is how excited he was to give it to me! In addition to the presents the kids made at school, I got hundreds of notes, pictures, and dandelion bouquets. I even got some pretty tricky scavenger hunts set up to help me find my prizes!
And this stinker took at least one day off from causing any major catastrophes and her dad took diaper duty for the day which was awesome.
ļ»æAnd here is the Man making my favorite breakfast. I couldn't be a mother without this guy, nor would I be nearly as good a mother without his awesome example as a father. I love you Zac! Thanks for the wonderful Mother's Day... your turn is next!