Nothing Scarier than Talking Spiders

Ian taking Charlotte for a "careful" ride on the Power Wheels.
I don't know what it is about Ian, but he is just the kind of kid that you just look at and laugh, even if he isn't doing anything funny. He just makes us smile. These are some of my favorite "Ian-isms" from the week.
1. After a talk about how Ashlyn thinks spiders are scary, and I said, "No, they're not just think of Charlotte's Web. Charlotte was a nice spider." Ian replied, "Yeah, but I'm not afraid of spiders, just the talking ones." And truthfully, I guess I am a little afraid of talking spiders too!
2. Now that the Halloween decorations are coming out, we were walking through a store that had ghost decorations up. Ian said, "I keep seeing the Holy Ghost everywhere."
3. During conference, Ian heard a speaker say we should follow the Prophet. This inspired Ian to march all around the living room singing, "Follow the Prophet, follow the prophet, follow the propeht, he is FUNNEEEEEE...."
How lucky am I to get to stay home with this guy every day!


Kris saidā€¦
You are so blessed to be able to stay home with your kids. And they are blessed to have a mom like you. I love hearing all the funny things they say...and yes, Ian does make me smile everytime I see him! He is one in a million!