On September 1st, the twins had their FIRST day of FIRST grade and it was the FIRST time that they have been in their own classes. I was sadder this year sending them to school than last year. After waiting five years for Kindergarten, I was shoving them out the door, but after having such a fun Summer together, I realized how much I am going to miss having them gone all day every day.
I had to wonder all Summer if I made the right decision in separating them for the year. But, when I went to parent teacher conference and Tanner showed me where he sat and what number he was assigned for his cubbie hole, I said, "Cool, Ashlyn is number 6 just like you!" to which he replied, "Not everything we do is the same! We are in different classes this year!" I think that Tanner had been craving this little piece of twinly independece for awhile. Even so, when they get home at the end of the day they are still inseperable.
Sometimes, I wish I could go back and do it all over again. It looks so fun! Maybe, that is why I got my teaching degree. Maybe I will go back to first grade someday.