Finally Figured Out What My Problem Is

Over the Labor Day weekend, we went hiking as a family. We hadn't planned on picking up a pet, but what six-year old could pass by a blue-bellied sagebrush lizard, without thinking that they could make a better home for him in a small box on the patio. As we hauled him down the trail, the kids were trying to think of a name for him, when Ashlyn said,

"I have lots of ideas for names, but my brain just won't share them with me."

I think that is so often what my problem is, I always know the right answer to all of life's dilemas, but my brain just doesn't want to share that information with me!


USA saidā€¦
She is so clever, just like her mom! Your family pictures are awesome. I can't believe little blonde Charlotte! What a beautiful bunch you Fillmores are. We've got to get together kids keep asking when they get to go see Ashlyn, Tanner, Ian, and their baby!!! Love you guys!