The Hardest Job on Earth

Ashlyn: "Mom, do you like being a mom?"
Me thinking: "Uh oh, have I been grouchy today? Why is she asking me this?"
Me Out Loud: "Of course, I love being a mom!"
Ashlyn: "I don't think I would like it very much."
Me: "Why not?"
Ashlyn: "It seems like too much work, all you do is work all the time!"

No kidding!


Goody Family saidā€¦
I like Ashlyn because she is a logical thinker and says it how it is!
Annie Bingham saidā€¦
I bathed 4 kids tonight bcuz I'm babysitting 1. I have respect for you my friend.
I love it. and I totally agree with her. I hope she realizes that when she's a teenager!! So cute!