Tricky Lephrechauns
Tanner's trap is on the left, he very ingeniusly made stairs out of toothpicks and "spider webs" (hot glue strings) hoping to catch the lephrechaun in the sticky webs before he reached the top.
Ashlyn's trap is on the right and has a small ladder that leads to a pile of gold at the top, which is actually cleverly hiding a trap door.
The kids were so outraged that the lephrechauns had tricked them and stolen their gold, that they spent all morning trying to come up with a better trap system for next year. Ashlyn's ideas all involved smashed up glass until I told her that we couldn't hurt or kill a lephrechaun. So after thinking a little further, I have heard that next years trap will involve a piece of granite (so that the lephrechaun can't saw through it) and paper money, so that no real money will actually get stolen next time!