The Annual Igloo

The first year that we were married, I taught Zac how to build igloos. We used some large storage tupperwares, filled them with snow, arranged them in a circle and then continued to work our way up. This opened up a whole new world for Zac, as he had always wanted to make an igloo and had never been able to figure it out as a boy. He has since become addicted to igloos and I believe we have made one every year since. Every year they just keep getting better!

The interior of the igloo... notice the very nice curved bench. It is just almost big enough for me to stand straight up without scraping my head... and it is big enough to sleep our whole family (but please don't suggest that to Zac!)

Zac next to his masterpiece. He had help for about an hour before everyone got too cold or too bored.

Isn't he such a cute little boy!

Hours of snowtime fun!


Goody Family saidā€¦
Can Zac come and build up an igloo?