An Epic Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving came and went and as always I can't believe how fast this year flew by!  We had a really great opportunity this year to spend time with my sister Annie's kids as we got to keep them for a couple of days while they finished up their tour of the Holy Land for her husbands work.  And though I begged her to pack me in her suitcase and instead I got to stay home and watch her kids... we loved every minute getting to play with our cousins and get to know them better than ever before.  Among the many fun things we did together, we decorated gingerbread men:

On Thanksgiving Day, we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Martineau's for some good old fashioned turkey dinner and LOTS and LOTS of pie and a great time socializing with family.

After Thanksgiving, we headed right from Grandma and Grandpa's to the beautiful great outdoors of Island Park where we were so spoiled to get to stay in Aunt Nichole and Uncle Tyler's newly finished custom cabin for some more cousin bonding time with the other side.  While we were there the boys fished, fished, fished and their efforts more than paid off!

Ian's 7.5 pound fish

The boys with their haul

Cousin Frank with a 6 pound + fish

And this boy couldn't smile any bigger.  He was so excited to catch this over 6 pound fish.

Great times with our favorite people.  We are so blessed and so fortunate to have this wonderful family of ours.


Annie Bingham saidā€¦
Oh what a nice Auntie you are, seriously! And I wish I could've packed my suitcase, but you would've died on the 15 hour flight. Fun seeing what my kids did while I was gone.