Houston- We Have No Problem
Last year Zac's work took us (Zac and I) to Houston to try to wine (aka Diet Coke) and dine us to convince us to move to Houston. Though it was all wonderful and pampery, I didn't want to move to Texas, and neither did Zac and so we didn't. And guess what, his work said that Zac can still stay employed anyways even though we live in Idaho, phew. So this year, when they took us (Zac and I) to Houston for a Christmas party and meetings, it wasn't quite with the same intention of wooing us to move down, which was honestly quite wonderful as the pressure was gone and I could just enjoy myself. Zac was in meetings all day everyday, so I got to take the rental suburban and show myself the sights. So what did I do? I went here:
The Houston Texas temple. It was beautiful and located in a breathtaking part of town. Well worth the trip!

It was rather warm in Houston and I didn't even need a jacket or coat while I was there.
I also got to tour the Museum of Natural History, one of the biggest museums in the nation, I am told and saw:
The Fabrige Eggs and crown jewels of the Russian royalty.

Loads of poisonous frogs, butterlies, lizards, etc. in the butterfly pavilion

A bucking T-Rex
More Lizards
Zac and I also got to spend some time together and we went golfing with the company at Top Golf. SO FUN!!!
And our flight Saturday didn't leave until 2 p.m., so I talked Zac into getting up at 6 a.m. and driving down to Galvaston with me to walk the beach.
THEN- We had a 3 hour lay-over in SLC, and I was in no mood to sit for three hours after sitting on an almost 3 hour flight. So we jumped on Trax at the airport:
And rode Trax to Temple Square to take in the Christmas lights.
This is a window display at Macey's. These were 5 ft. tall ornaments made entirely out of candy.
All in all the whole trip was incredible. I had a wonderful time and we packed every minute of it with fun and togetherness. However, at the end of the day, I was so ready to get home to my kids. No matter where you roam, there's still no place like home sweet home.