Fun With the Littles

Raising my three youngest has been a bit different from raising my three oldest.  When Tanner and Ashlyn and even Ian were born, my work load was much less.  Of course the laundry was half.  The grocery shopping and meal preparation were less.  There were no sports practices, music lessons, scouts, or gymnastics to run to.  There were less toys, less clothes, shoes, and dirty little fingers to shatter my clean and organized world.  I would get my chores done and then we would learn and play, snuggle and read.  Sometimes, with this last batch, I have to really remind myself to take a break from this craziness that is my life to play with and enjoy these little ones before they grow up and abandon me for school.  And boy are they ever growing up too fast!

We learned about seeds and plants in our home preschool.  We put some dirt in an old ant farm and Charlotte and Bronson each picked a seed to plant.  Charlotte picked a bean and Bronson picked a pumpkin.  We have had so much fun watching the roots grow and the plant develop.

Charlotte and Bronson like to line up the chairs while I am mopping and cover them with blankets.  This becomes a train and they populate it with their stuffed animals.

Charlotte came up with this look all on her own the other day, using a wreath.

Love, love, love my sillies.
